testimonials for jivan and tewa

As a child, teenager, and young adult I wasn’t necessarily raised with healthy models of communication. Over 17 years ago, Tewa and Jivan were some of the first NVC facilitators I’d ever come into contact with. Their ability to deeply listen, their enthusiasm for human potential and compassionate coaching served to be a source of inspiration that forever transformed my communication style. In my humble opinion, they embody the principles of NVC within their own marriage and family relationships. I am so glad they’ve once again decided to offer these heart felt teachings to the world. ~ Lance M. LMSW, USA

Thanks very much for four intense days together Tewa and Jivan.  It will really take us some time to digest. These days were such a big gift to us and we will save it deep in our hearts. Thank you also for your openness and willingness to share very personal and deep things, which gave us a very precious "role model" for how a loving presence in a marriage can look and be lived. Even that feels like a gift! ~ Birgitta and Ulf, Sweden

I had the luck of attending a great weekend NVC workshop led by Tewa and Jivan. This workshop was key to me and put me on the right track to learn NVC and other related techniques, especially the skills of empathy. The workshop was delivered in a very warm, informative and positive way, which allowed me to grasp many of the core concepts effectively.  ~ Carlos A, Madrid, Spain

testimonials for tewa

NVC and Tewa have given me the skill, model and support I’ve needed to transform my marriage and have a vision for how I want to communicate with my kids. Tewa Holloway embodies the values that I aspire to live in my own life. She is exactly what I want in a teacher. I highly recommend any courses and private sessions she offers. ~ S.R., Kilauea, HI

Tewa holds a clear, concise yet loving presence in sharing empathy and NVC.  A way in which one is not intimidated to learn a new form of communication.  NVC is an amazing tool and is highly effective for all relations.
~ Janice Craig, Founder of Aloha Namaste

Tewa, I'm so glad you are doing this! The weekend I did 12 years ago changed my life and my relationships for the better in uncountable ways! And you can quote me on that :)
~ Anandra George, Kauai, Hawaii, True Freedom Coaching

There are so many ways NVC and empathy has improved my life. I am now able to communicate more effectively with my partners, in my personal relationship, and professionally. As a result, the quality of my relations have benefited greatly. Tewa and I met on Kauai in 2004. I co-authored Giraffe Juice, a book on compassionate communication for young people. Tewa's gentle loving guidance shone a brilliant light on the learning that I experienced while writing and living on Kauai. I am so very very grateful for her support in my world; her authentic presence has truly touched me.
~ Marci W, Hawaii  ~ Co-author of 'Giraffe Juice: The Magic of Making Life Wonderful'

The skills I have learned from Tewa have helped me in numerous ways since I began applying the NVC process. In my personal life I have been able to make many positive changes based on the awareness of considering my needs that are met or unmet in relationship, and effectively communicating those feelings and needs to the other person(s). 
On a professional level, I was recently employed to facilitate the negotiation of a multi-million dollar contract between an Asian and American company.  The two parties were having major difficulties in reaching an agreement because of cultural differences in the way they approached business and negotiations.  By focusing on the needs of each party (security, trust, efficiency, clarity, financial gain) - we discovered that everyone shared the same needs and the differences between the parties could be addressed from the perspective of how to create language that adequately described a mutually shared intent.  What began as a battle of two opposing forces trying to impose their will on the other, ended by being a collaborative effort to reach an agreement that will better all parties. ~ Scott S, Hawaii

Hi Tewa,
I just wanted to send you a little note of gratitude for your facilitating of yesterday's NVC deepening workshop on requests! It really really met my needs for further growth, learning and awareness of this whole language of love, and I'm feeling super excited to see how well I can practice this is my daily life! Thank you! ~ Tiffany N, India

I am filled with Gratitude and Appreciation for you today Tewa. I Celebrate! Thank you for bringing your gifts to me with such a beautiful heart and divine intention. I have experienced many challenges with my throat area over the years... 'little girls should' (embracing the jackal!)... I have now come to an awareness that supports more freedom within. ~ Alaya D, Hawaii

Dear Tewa,
My experience with you was that you helped me say what I really wanted to say. It always felt so good and I was really excited and pleased with the formula of NVC. Not only in the classroom, but everybody I met who was connected with NVC (most of them inspired by you) had this quality of trust that people are genuinely good, some of them just have difficulty expressing themselves clearly. 

You helped me find the confidence to dare to express myself even in conflicts.  I trust that our emotions are a clumsy but real way that our higher wisdom gives us about the path. It is my responsibility to use these messages as a guide in my spiritual growth.

It is like riding on a surfboard (as i imagine)… the beginners use big wild movements, and lots of effort that gives them the force to stay on the surfboard for seconds, and that can be really joyful.... but the really professional ones use very small movements and can stay on the surfboard for long minutes. So using the words in NVC is like those seconds of beginner surfing…. while it is clumsy and sometimes seems almost fake, it is just a tool for learning the balance of professional surfers, when you do not need words anymore to be able to connect to the feelings and needs and ride the flow… where this really trustable guru (your own emotional side) is guiding you. So much love to you Tewa. Thinking of you with warmth in my heart and a smile on my face. ~ Bogi, Hungary

Yummy, warm, tender tewa...  delicately holds a sacred space, where all belong, where our fullness is embraced...clarity, depth, care, empathy...
NVC... there's no going back!  it has been the most impact-full gift of my life!
~ L'aura, Auroville, India, Certified NVC Trainer

Dear Tewa, I was very impressed with you, your knowledge, your clarity of explanations and most of all your honesty and willingness to be vulnerable.  I was so inspired by your acknowledgement of feeling tender and your excellent communication and teaching skills. ~ Jeannie P, Hawaii

I was in a weekly NVC group that Tewa taught and found her to be a very patient and compassionate teacher.  Tewa also did a great job creating a comfortable and non-judgmental atmosphere. ~ Terri H, Hawaii

I was lucky to meet Tewa and her family when they came to Auroville for a few years. I had the privilege to participate to a series of her playshops and a weekly practice group. I felt extremely inspired by the way Tewa presented herself and introduced a different way of communicating based on NVC. It made me understand and perceive communication in a completely different way which I try to apply in my daily life.  Tewa and her family are a living example of non-violent relationship and constant empathic presence.
~ Sophie, Auroville, India/France

NVC has opened new doors for me to relate with others and myself.... I have been so surprised by its power for making life more honest and simple. Tewa is a gifted leader in her willingness to share her genuine self and true wisdom.  Her dedication is truly inspirational. ~ K.G., Hawaii

Aloha Tewa, Your workshop has forever changed me, gently put me on the path towards a more harmonious and gentle way of being...I look forward to spending more time in a Giraffe state of heart/mind.  Forever grateful! ~ Bonnie, Anahola, HI

Ahhhh, Tewa Holloway. There are many people who do wonders sharing NVC. Tewa sets the bar with her clarity, organization, and attention to detail. She teaches NVC with sensitivity, "practicing what she preaches".  If you want to learn the basics and become proficient, I recommend a class with Tewa.  ~ M.R., Kilauea, HI

I think NVC was the only thing that saved my marriage. Without it I would still be going through the world thinking I understand what people are saying to me when in actuality I was not even hearing them and then blaming them for not performing the way I thought they would. Now I take the time to really listen and make sure I understand and to make sure I am heard and WOW, the miscommunications are much less frequent. Tewa, we are blessed to have had you in our lives.  ~ M.H., Kilauea, HI

I mean this truly: the NVC Training community is blessed to have Tewa Holloway in its ranks. Her passion for enriching the lives of individuals and communities, her clarity and patience when teaching the techniques, make her an exceptional leader of emotional consciousness.  ~ Paul Massey, Kauai, HI

testimonials for jivan

Dear Jivan, Thank youuu :) your playshop & Kirtan has been sooo blissful ~ your sweet and humble presence was really touching ... and we enjoy your cd daily :) you’re such an instrument ... pure bhakta! We bow to your genuine, sweet nature & thank you again for being and sharing Love. With Love, Gratitude & Bliss ~ Liliana & Sathya

Thank you so much for your love and de-light-full spirit Jivan, it was a blessing to meet you. Your healing voice workshop did the trick :) I am now unable to stop singing! ~ Emily H.

There's medicine in the sound of your voice. It takes me to the heart of God ~ Teresa M.

Namaste Jivan, Thanks again for a beautiful, energetic course on Friday! Keep following and sharing your passion, you are glowing and it was a joy to take part with you and our intimate group of noise makers! ~ Vanya

Dear Jivan, It was really a lila ... a divine one ... Krishna playing with you, with us. Thank you for that space, that emptiness, that freedom in which the unknown could manifest; yes, alot of enjoyment !!! ~ Karuna A.

Oh, I miss the heartsinging with you!! Peace, peace on earth, peace begins with us!! I’m sending love into this beautiful universe ~ Nayeli R.

Jivan is a wonderful musician who skillfully captures the essence of each mantra in his melodies and carries us into its true resonance and deepest meanings. I often experience higher states of vibratory bliss during his kirtans that persist for hours afterwards. ~ Debi C.

Aloha Jivan, Alison here. It was a lovely evening and I'm still beaming. Just wanted more of your voice. Your Kirtans are the most important part of my week and bring so much joy to my life and I wish there were 3 of them a week - each lasting 3 hours (that's a hint;) One thing I know for sure Jivan is that our world is a much more beautiful place because you're in it. ~ Alison T.

I guess I have another gratitude, too. I'd like you to know how important it has been for me, having you in my life. As a source of inspiration - seeing how your energy and presence can create this opportunity for so many to experience this kind of joyful celebration of life. For me personally, I've grown so much, so quickly, attending your singing circles... I don't know how to thank you enough for being who you are and giving me and others a chance to experience this in our lives. I so look forward to our short times together to laugh and sing and dance and play ~ Jason S.

Aloha Jivan, We are listening to your music now. What nectar for my heart and soul. Mahalo nui loa for the spirit you transmit. Perfect gift to me on this rainy Kauai evening. With love and gratitude ~ Jivani

Dear Jivan, It was a big pleasure to play and chant with you! You have a really beautiful voice and lovely energy! Thank you very much for your generosity! ~ Daniel C.

Jivan, Your songs and voice are absolutely beautiful. Your Skyclad CD is stellar and I play it repeatedly. ~ Karen T.

Dear Jivan, Thank you for your up-lifting music. My heart is always filled with love when I listen to your cd's :-) Bless you and your family! ~ Tamara

I just wanted to thank you because I can still listen to your voice! I joined your singing classes at Vèritè in October and November ... and I bought your cd and I still listen to it almost everyday because I love it so much! Especially when I drive to work every morning on the highway I sing it as loud as I can to keep myself calm;) thank you for that! ~ Mareike S.

Hello Jivan, I just wanted to let you know that your music makes me happy back in Germany :) In a sent bag I discovered the Bhajanananda CD - what a lovely surprise! Thank you, Jivan, for joyous chanting. I am so pleased to have met such a sweet family on my journey to India. Much much love! ~ Anna T.

Your music is amazing and I love it completely! Keep on shinin' brother! ~ Kenny M.

Jivan has contributed his beautiful healing gifts to our community with his Freeing Your Healing Voice Playshops and will be greatly missed on the island of Kauai. If I can't be in person with him, I am overjoyed to receive his new Kirtan single, Shiva Shambhu. His teachings have been valuable to my spiritual life as well as practical in problem-solving for everyday life. Namaste ~ Gabriela T.

Jivan is very fluid and holds a really patient space.  He also offers firm guidance in a positive direction to uncover the root issue.  ~ M.A.  

Jivan is present and a skilled listener in our empathy sessions. I always feel seen, heard and validated by end our sessions. The space that he holds for me has allowed me to gain a deeper understanding of myself! Never underestimate the power of empathy! Thank you Jivan ~ Aiko F.